Bold Vision

Excited to join the MBA case study style webinar on WeWork tomorrow from Scott Galloway (Prof Galloway, NYU) and Section 4. The balance between visionary storytelling (Amazon), willing a company to success through reality distortion fields (Tesla, Apple) and fraud (WeWork) is fragile. Paraphrasing Prof Galloway, the Characteristics of a Bold Vision include:

  1. Aspirational – must be compelling. Shareholders and Stakeholders want to go there with you;
  2. Believable – must have substance. Is it conceivable, achievable, doable;
  3. Does the company (or you, if creating an individual vision) bring unique assets or resources to deliver on that vision.

Three Levers to Manage Cash for Growth

Resonating deeply right now:

Lever 1: Speed up cash flow. Work on collections (if you don’t have solid credit policies, get that dialed and stick to it to make sure A/R is collectible) and forecast better (reduces unnecessary, rushed cash outlays).

Lever 2: Reduce costs. Negotiate with vendors, hire to real need, look for savings in the value chain, know your unit economics.

Lever 3: Raise prices. Make sure you have the value proposition before you work this one.

Simple, but not always easy if the team isn’t aligned and doesn’t understand the levers.